Be the person you needed when you were younger
A couple of months after we moved to New York it was time for our first trip outside the city. For that Thanksgiving weekend, we flew out to rural Kentucky.
After a few days of bourbon, turkey, southern hospitality and some insights into American culture beyond the bi-coastal bubble, it was time to head back to NYC.
As the evening drew in on a sleepy flight home and the sky rolled from bright blue to deep pink and then dark grey, I noticed the glow of a laptop a couple of rows in front of me.
On the screen was what looked like a social media post being prepared. You know the type — a beautiful stock photo overlaid with a motivational quote in a mid-weight font.
The image could have been anything — it didn’t stick with me at all.
The text is still completely clear in my mind.
Be the person you needed when you were younger.
Not a bad mantra.
And unlike the social media feeds it ephemerally dissolved into, I’ve kept it pinned on my desktop ever since.
As a new year begins to unfold I’m still aiming to be the person I needed when I, and maybe a few others like me, were younger.
Who was the person you needed when you were younger?
It’s a question worth asking.
Note: The quote originally comes from Ayesha Siddiqui.
Originally published at on January 1, 2019.